Payload: The data contained in a packet, for example audio samples or compressed video data. The payload format and interpretation are beyond the scope of this document.
Packet: A data packet consists of fixed header and payload data. Some underlying protocols may require an encapsulation of the packet to be defined.
Port: The “abstraction that transport protocols use to distinguish among multiple destinations within a given host computer. TCP/IP protocols identify ports using small positive integers.” The transport selectors (TSEL) used by the OSI transport layer are equivalent to ports.
Transport address: The combination of a network address and port that identifies a transport-level endpoint, for example an IP address and a TCP port. Packets are transmitted from a source transport address to a destination transport address.
Message stream: A logical channel of communication in which messages flow.
Message stream ID: Each message has an ID associated with it to identify the message stream in which it is flowing.
Chunk: A fragment of a message. The messages are broken into smaller parts and interleaved before they are sent over the network. The chunks ensure timestamp-ordered end-to-end delivery of all messages, across multiple streams.
Chunk stream: A logical channel of communication that allows flow of chunks in a particular direction. The chunk stream can travel from the client to the server and reverse.
Chunk stream ID: Every chunk has an ID associated with it to identify the chunk stream in which it is flowing.
Multiplexing: Process of making separate audio/video data into one coherent audio/video stream, making it possible to transmit several video and audio simultaneously.
DeMultiplexing: Reverse process of multiplexing, in which interleaved audio and video data are assembled to form the original audio and video data.
Remote Procedure Call (RPC): A request that allows a client or a server to call a subroutine or procedure at the peer end.
Metadata: A description about the data. The metadata of a movie includes the movie title, duration, date of creation, and so on.
Application Instance: The instance of the application at the server with which the clients connect by sending the connect request.
Action Message Format (AMF): A compact binary format that is used to serialize ActionScript object graphs. AMF has two versions: AMF 0 [AMF0] and AMF 3 [AMF3].
All integer fields are carried in network byte order, byte zero is the first byte shown, and bit zero is the most significant bit in a word or field. This byte order is commonly known as big-endian. The transmission order is described in detail in Internet Protocol [RFC0791]. Unless otherwise noted, numeric constants in this document are in decimal (base 10).
Except as otherwise specified, all data in RTMP is byte-aligned; for example, a 16-bit field may be at an odd byte offset. Where padding is indicated, padding bytes SHOULD have the value zero.
Timestamps in RTMP are given as an integer number of milliseconds relative to an unspecified epoch. Typically, each stream will start with a timestamp of 0, but this is not required, as long as the two endpoints agree on the epoch. Note that this means that any synchronization across multiple streams (especially from separate hosts) requires some additional mechanism outside of RTMP.
Because timestamps are 32 bits long, they roll over every 49 days, 17 hours, 2 minutes and 47.296 seconds. Because streams are allowed to run continuously, potentially for years on end, an RTMP application SHOULD use serial number arithmetic [RFC1982] when processing timestamps, and SHOULD be capable of handling wraparound. For example, an application assumes that all adjacent timestamps are within 2^31 - 1 milliseconds of each other, so 10000 comes after 4000000000, and 3000000000 comes before 4000000000.
Timestamp deltas are also specified as an unsigned integer number of milliseconds, relative to the previous timestamp. Timestamp deltas may be either 24 or 32 bits long
Collection contains no element matching the predicate.