rtmpsrv.c中的注释可知该文件程序是RTMP 服务端,但只提供了获取客户端连接参数,没有媒体数据的服务(可自己实现媒体数据的推流)
/* This is just a stub for an RTMP server. It doesn't do anything
* beyond obtaining the connection parameters from the client.
serverThread(void *arg)函数中,下面这行代码,是要创建一个线程传输控制,但doServe里面也没有线程
/* Create a new thread and transfer the control to that */
doServe(server, sockfd);
在rtmpsuck.c中的TFTYPE serverThread(void *arg)函数中
/* Create a new thread and transfer the control to that */
ThreadCreate(doServe, srv2);